Creating Space…Self-Care Series: Prioritization
/Creating Space …Self-Care series: Prioritization
3 ways to use prioritization to your advantage during the holiday season
Photo courtesy of Unsplash
Last week we discussed ways to restore during the holiday season. Another consideration is to use prioritization to your benefit. Go on the defense to help reduce the chances of draining your batteries in the first place! Check out the below for a few easy to use tips.
1) Two tiny letters, one BIG Word
NO. Why is it so hard to say ‘no’ during the holidays? Do we feel that the spirit of giving is only fulfilled if we give of ourselves until we are depleted? Personally, the holiday season is my favorite. It overflows with fellowship, giving, gratitude and genuine connection. However, how often do we commit to something we aren’t even interested in simply because we are “free”? Or maybe it’s FOMO? I know that’s my issue sometimes. Busted. Am I the only one who says ‘yes’ to an activity when I really know in my heart I’m not that interested?? What would be the trade off? By saying ‘yes’ to that one thing, I’m effectively saying ‘no’ to something else I might rather be doing. And maybe that something else is simply resting. That’s ok. Do an honest inventory of your calendar, and know that it’s ok to say ‘no’ sometimes.
1) Urgent vs Important
During the holidays we can be particularly ambitious with how much we pile on our plates. We’ve got shopping to do, extra errands to run, parties to attend, cookies to bake (that should have come first), and a whole host of other things. And then, there are still our normal obligations of work and home. So, how do we fit it all in? Use the Urgent Vs Important matrix concept. Things that are both urgent and important do need our attention, but it’s important we don’t spend all our time there. Things that fall under not urgent or important can often get axed. Take a look at the chart below for more, and check out this article for even more tips.
3) Self Care IS the #1 Priority
The good news - you are reading this blog, and you’ve made it this far, so it’s fair to say you already believe in the importance of self care. This is one of my favorite quotes, and hopefully it serves as a friendly reminder whenever self care inadvertently slides to the back burner.