Creating Space…To Push Past the Plateau
/Creating Space … To Push Past The Plateau
How many times have you found yourself WINNING and achieving your fitness goals, only to find that your results have stalled out, or worse, you seem to be moving backwards?
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash
I think we’ve all been there. You commit to a new fitness regimen or eating plan and everything is going great. Then, all of a sudden, you stop seeing (or feeling) the results, or maybe the scale even starts creeping back up in the wrong direction? Why? How? No!!! “I’ve worked too hard to see all my work slip away!” Tell me this isn’t just me?!
The reality is, this is a very common issue, but with a little re-tooling, we can get ourselves back on track, and continue skating along toward Victory Land! Ok, that was a bit dramatic.
1) There’s nothing so easy about crushing your goals as simply “skating along”.
2) Victory Land is a bit of an illusion. I mean sure, you can absolutely reach your goals and have cause for celebration. But in reality, the work doesn’t ever really stop just because you “arrive” at the goal.
Reaching our fitness goals is an ever-present evolution and adoption of a healthy lifestyle. Our bodies change, our metabolism changes, and even the things that start to feel like temptation can shift. So, although Victory Land may be an illusion, reaching your goals doesn’t have to be if you stay focused and committed.
Revisit Your Goals
Man, I sound like a broken record don’t I? Good, that means the message is coming through. Whether we are talking about fitness, nutrition, finances, career aspirations or even learning a new skill - GOALS are critical. Going back to the drawing board, revisiting our plan of attack, and ensuring the goals we set still properly meet our needs is a very effective way to push past a rut. Sometimes, our bodies have gotten stronger and adapted to our fitness regimen, and the goal we originally set just doesn’t have enough horsepower anymore. But sometimes, we’ve found away to slip on our own action against the goal. For example, if we started out exercising 4 days a week for 30 minutes a day, it may have been enough to get the momentum started. BUT, on the flip side, the scenario could be different. Maybe after a few weeks, there’s a chance we’ve noticed a change on the scale, our clothes fit better, we have more energy, and all seems well. MAYBE we’ve actually gotten a little lax in our routine, shaving minutes off the workout, or skipping 1 or 2 altogether. The same could be true for the eating regimen, or even the effort we exert when we workout. So, go back to the goals, evaluate them, assess your effort in sticking to the plan, and see if there might be some areas to tighten up! If nothing else, it can help you re-ground in your “why”, and rediscover the initial motivation.
Pick Your Partner
Do you have an accountability partner? Studies show that having a fit buddy, someone you can check in with, work out with, celebrate success with, and even help overcome challenges with can help you reach your goals more effectively. Share your goals with your accountability partner, help them understand what aspects of your routine or lifestyle are the most challenging so that you can generate new ideas for overcoming those challenges. Having shared accountability means that you are also encouraging someone else’s healthy lifestyle, which can be another source of motivation.
Photo by Luis Quintero on Unsplash
Mix It Up!
Checked all the boxes, feeling good about your plan, got your fitness buddy??? Cool. Well if you still feel like things aren’t progressing the way you want, it might be time to mix some things up! I know we talked about this before, but exercise doesn’t HAVE to always feel like exercise. Try signing up for an adult rec league, or explore a new fitness class nearby. I recently tried the Vixen Workout with my fitness partner in crime Erin Isbell, and I LOVED IT! I knew I was torching calories and toning up parts of my body that I don’t always work as hard, but at the end of the day, all I really focused on was how much FUN I was having. So, explore some new routines - you might inspire your body in a different way.