Creating Space … For A Healthy Lifestyle
/Creating Space … for a Healthy Lifestyle
Have you ever found yourself spinning in circles trying to decide how to get your healthy lifestyle back on track? The answer may be simpler than you think!
Photo by Zip House Design on Unsplash
Living a healthier lifestyle is such a broad topic it can be a bit overwhelming trying to figure out where to even start when writing about it. And even as I write I can’t help but find the irony in that it’s exactly how most of us feel when we try and actually LIVE the healthier lifestyle. Where DO I start? What matters most? How do I find the RIGHT information? It can all be so overwhelming. For me, living a healthier lifestyle, has been nothing short of a series of trial and error, some experiments successful, others not so much. But when I HAVE had success, here is what worked for me. I hope you can find a few pieces that work for you too!
1) Find Your Why
Consistency is key, and the only way we can stay committed and consistent when the initial excitement fades is to have a strong Why. When we first decide to make healthy changes there is so much motivation and that motivation seems like it will translate to commitment, but it is inevitable, eventually, no matter how motivated we felt when we made the decision, we will ultimately face other temptations. We will feel tired. Life will throw other obstacles at us. So how do we push through even when the initial excitement fades?
The most important thing I have learned is I am most successful when I can bring myself back to my Why. For me, it’s not enough to hang a cute pic of a bikini up to motivate me. If that works for you, I commend you, but for me, I’m seldom at a pool, and I like cookies way more than I like bikinis. Given the choice, I will choose cookies every single time. So then I dig deep and ask myself, “why does making this choice really matter to me?” I do want to stay healthy so I can be my best for my family. I want to set a good example. But here’s the thing - when we’ve eaten well most days, and I’m fairly active, I feel like I’ve actually done a good job, so even that reason can only take me so far. When I really dig deep I realize there is one argument that I can’t deny. When I make better choices, consistently, I genuinely FEEL BETTER about myself. More specifically, my self-confidence soars. I’m sure there is a side effect of a more pleasing silhouette, but it really does go deeper. I’ve proven to myself that I can follow through, that I am stronger than my urges, that I’ve overcome my excuses, and for that, I feel pride. Inevitably I will have a cookie temptation, and while I don’t subscribe to the theory of deprivation, I can have one (or two), and be satisfied. I can get out the bed when my alarm goes off at 5:45, when I’d rather stay under the covers warm and cozy. I’m not suggesting this has to be your Why, just that you may have to keep digging to really uncover what drives you most if the current approach isn’t yielding the results you want. Once you do, it’ll feel like unlocking the code to The Matrix.
2) Embrace The Full Picture
As much as we want to believe we can out-exercise a bad diet, the truth is, the two must live in harmony together. If I’m being really honest, there are several key factors that must work in concert to promote a healthier lifestyle. Good nutrition, combined with physical activity, and proper sleep are my top three. Research shows that there are plenty more, some of which are controllable, others, like heredity, not so much. So for now let’s just focus on the three above.
Most of us readily accept the concept of getting more exercise and eating nutritious food as critical factors for living healthier lives, but how’s your sleep? According to a recent study by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute ongoing sleep deficiency can lead to chronic health conditions, reduced brain function, and other mental ailments. There is also a higher risk of obesity, as sleep plays an important role in helping regulate hormones like ghrelin and leptin, which help you feel hungry or full, respectively. So, in a nut shell, don’t sleep on the importance of getting a good night’s rest! It can make all the difference in helping you make the food choices that support your goals, and provide you the energy you needed to crank out that next sweat session!!
3) It’s Not All Or Nothing
I believe momentum is a real thing when it comes to building healthier habits. Tell me if you can relate - you find a new workout routine, you get into a good groove, you’re hitting your exercise goal each day, and you start to realize getting up the next day, or squeezing in an extra workout starts getting easier. And then BOOM - in comes the curve ball. You get sick, have to travel for work, or even take a vacation, and suddenly the entire routine is thrown out of whack. Or, you’re eating well for days and weeks straight, and then suddenly there is a birthday party - I mean, who’s not going to eat the pizza and birthday cake? But then you remember how good pizza and cake taste and suddenly one meal becomes a whole day, becomes a whole weekend?! It really doesn’t have to be that way. You CAN get back on track. There is no need to throw away days and weeks of work for one indulgent meal, or one missed workout. Just like you built momentum the first time, you can get right back on track again. And to be honest, I find that giving myself permission in advance, rather than berating myself with guilt in the moment of indulgence is significantly more effective. Suddenly having a little cake or opting for a walk in the afternoon when I missed my morning routine is simply part of my overall lifestyle. It’s really not about perfection, it’s about progress.
My last thought is, visualize your goal as if you have already accomplished it. See the finish line. Different goals require different levels of discipline, but ultimately that goes back to our first point - Know your why, and everything else falls into place. I’m wishing you nothing but the best on your health and wellness journey, I’ll certainly continue exploring mine. I’d love to hear what tips and tricks you have to finding motivation, sticking to your goals, and improving your overall health! Drop a comment below. I can’t wait to hear from you!