Creating Space...To Simply Start
/…To Simply Start
A little on the personal journey of how Creating Space came to be, and how one company’s motto inspires the same idea to millions around the world.
Welcome to Creating Space Blog! I’m so excited to finally start down this path of blogging, so excited for all these ideas that stream through my head to finally have a home, to finally have SPACE to be expressed!
Why CREATING SPACE you ask? We’ll even if you didn’t, I feel obliged to tell you all about it anyway. For me, the first mention of creating space came to me in a particularly inspiring therapy discussion. Yep, therapy - more on that later. Let’s just say I am a HUGE advocate for mental health, and one day, when the time is right, I’ll share more about my personal journey. For now - let’s talk about creating space. So, in this session we were talking about a bad breakup, or more specifically, a long-time string of moderate to bad breakups, and I was talking all about how I’d always given so much of myself, always been so attentive and “there” for the other person, and the therapist asked me a very simple question. “Tian, do you ever create space for others to do the same for you?” I opened my mouth to respond, but only ended up sitting there, staring and blinking. Now there’s a novel idea. I mean it may seem obvious now, but 10 years ago, this was exactly what I needed to hear. It had a lasting affect on me.
From that point forward, some concept or another would talk about making room, making space, or some similar reference, and I was always taken back to that moment. The idea of creating space is so relevant, and so applicable in our lives - and the impact is profound. So, on this blogging journey I will explore the idea of creating space, and the many ways it can show up in our lives. For me, this simple step is my opportunity to create my own space, for growth, for learning, and most of all, for expression. I’m so incredibly passionate about promoting positive mental health, and all that one might encounter on that journey. I love love love creative expression, and this blog allows me to explore the idea in a new way.
So, about getting started. I’m an idea builder. I recently learned that about myself. Throw an idea out there and if it resonates I will fervently agree with you, give you all the credit for it, and subsequently draw incredible excitement from building on. This has been my journey with bringing the idea of Creating Space to life. I had ideas, I built them out, and then I struggled to pull the trigger. I knew what I wanted to do, but how? when? through what channel? And then recently, in listening to an audio book “The Happiness Equation”, Neil Pasricha talks about this very concept. He names that chapter “Just Do it” (sound familiar?) and it struck me like lightning.
I don’t have to have it all figured out, I don’t have to know how the story will end. I don’t have to already know the best vehicle for promoting it. I don’t have to do endless hours of research before sitting down and expressing my ideas. I simply have to start. I have ideas in my head that are born from my own personal journey. I’ve read countless books and articles on various related topics, I’ve attended various training classes and courses sure, but at the end of the day this is an opportunity for me to simply share my personal ideas and experiences with others who may be able to relate, and for them to share their experiences back with me as well. It doesn’t have to be perfect - my journey certainly hasn’t been, and that’s okay.
I’m so grateful that you have decided to join me, and I look forward to hearing what some of those pivotal moments in life were for you as well! What did you finally decide to “simply start” ? How did it change things for you? What lessons did you learn along the way, and would you do anything different?
About Creating Space Blog: Creating Space blog desires to help people create space in life for what matters most to them, to support mental health, and to provide thought provoking ideas that encourages readers to nourish their own well-being, through expression, reflection, and introspection.
About the author, Tian Philson: I am a registered yoga teacher and student of yoga by passion, and a communications consultant by trade. But, first and foremost I am a dedicated mother and wife. I’m a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a cousin, a friend a confidante and a passionate soul. I fell in love with yoga well over a decade ago, as I stumbled upon a power flow in a workout video. It was an incredible addition to my fitness routine. Then, I discovered the mental and emotional benefits as I was also struggling with anxiety and depression, and it became an incredible addition to my life. I have recently become even more committed to sharing the benefits of yoga, mindfulness, and meditation with the world – one breath, one pose, one post at a time.